Why you need to know more about motor vehicle injuries
According to Department of Transportation statistics the odds of anyone being injured in a motor vehicle collision, MVC in a given year is about one in 25. That is based on the DOT determination of “injured” and their definition overlooks many of the common seen injuries in an MVC.
If you do not know what injuries to look for, what tests are needed to validate those diagnoses, and how to document everything then you may be doing more damage to your patient’s case then the crash did to their body.
Why Take This Program?
Every chiropractor has patients who have been in a motor vehicle collision but not everyone knows how to diagnose, document, and manage a PI case. With this 150 hour certificate program, you will learn:
- How the mechanism of injury affects the human body
- How to properly diagnose ALL the injuries
- How to manage a case
- Your patients and their attorneys will get better settlement offers
- You will get paid better by the attorneys
- You can become the doctor that attorneys refer to
According to the National Highway Safety Transportation Administration (NHTSA) about 29% - approximately 1.75 million - motor vehicle accidents are rear end collisions. This results in an estimated 950,000 injuries per year.
Why Is The AAMVI Certificate Program Different From Others?
- 150 hours provide a better education and credibility than a weekend seminar
- We go into greater depth on each subject
- Certificates are awarded on passing tests administered by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE)
- This is not a certificate of attendance
- You will have far greater credibility as an expert as well as better outcomes for your patients
The need to train doctors and chiropractors on how to diagnose, treat, and manage these cases is why the American Academy of Motor Vehicles Injuries was founded.
We offer one level of training: