American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries understands the with any kind of personal injury case there are several different avenues that you need to cover. Our founder, Bill Gallagher, has been over 10 vehicular accidents. If there is anybody who understands how insurance companies work on paying their recipients, it is him. We understand that we are the experts in this field because we have first-hand experience on how it feels to get over, as well as come out on top. Our owner was always frustrated by these insurance companies not being willing to pay him for the damages caused. So he set out to learn all the information that these doctors and lawyers were not willing to learn. And one day a lawyer comes into home with a case about a man who had received lung problems through the Department of his airbags.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries took this as a challenge, and started looking into it. They figured out that the lung problems were actually caused by an allergic reaction to the power that is deployed in the airbags deployed. Examples like this are the exact reason why the American Association of motor vehicle injuries was created in the first place. By the knowledge of how to diagnose, assess, and provide expert testimony to all of the people who are involved in such a case. Throughout this 10 session, 15 hour class, we will teach you up of information that most people will not have the desire to learn about, but we understand it as an essential part of the motor vehicle injury cases industry.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries understands that there are several problems when it comes to this kind of industry. One of which is whenever lawyers take a case, they will usually have to ask for a 50% reduction in their fees because they know that these cases don’t ever pay well. What we will do is offer you the information to actually build a case with any one of these kinds of clients. They will be happy to pay you 100% of your fees as well as possibly even more because the knowledge and experience that you will provide them. Another major problem in this industry is that the fact the one cause of malpractice is actually the failure to diagnose in the first place. So what we do is we teach you what the symptoms of these undiagnosed issues would be and then step-by-step show you how to properly diagnose these issues.
Throughout this core curriculum there at 10 15-hour sessions, the first half is spent on learning how to properly examine diagnose these patients. The second half is spent on learning how to properly document all of this information to build a good case. Not to mention with the entire medical industry being a bunch of red tape, will also teach you how to get around this to the you don’t have problems come up later with the medical industry.
If any of this sounds promising please feel free to visit our website, or if you would like more information feel free to give us a call it 480-664-6644. We’re excited to hear from you and can’t wait to take your call.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries understands that there are a lot of different things to go into working on a personal injury case. What the American Association of motor vehicle injuries was created that exact need. Is supposed to cover all of the areas in which local doctors and lawyers are unable to cover. Small sent things like understanding whiplash. Founder of this company, Bill Gallagher was has been in over 10 vehicular accidents. He’s been rear-ended six times, broadsided twice, been in a rollover crash, hit from all and am up and knocked off the bicycle, lost a battle with a station wagon as a pedestrian, and is been in for ambulance rights in only one of which he can actually remember. So when it comes to motor vehicle injuries, he actually is the expert.
Mr. Gallagher and American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries was always frustrated by these insurance companies not willing to pay him the injuries that he received. So he decided to set out and learn all of the information the doctors didn’t know would actually take the time to go learn. One day a lawyer comes in with the case about a guy who has lung problems after his rear end collision. It seemed like the two had nothing in common, but after further examination they learn that there is a power within the airbag that actually got into the clients lungs. An allergic reaction which ended up causing his actual lung problems. Without taking the time to look at this case, and actually properly diagnosing what he had, he would not of been properly treated, received any kind of settlement for his injuries, or receive any kind of justice that he actually deserved.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries along with the American Association for motor vehicle injuries was created to fill that exact need. To teach how to diagnose, assess, and provide the expert testimony needed in some of these cases. Several problems that make encounter while you are taking one of these cases the fact that lawyers usually have to ask for a 50% reduction in fees for these cases because they know they won’t actually pay anything. What we will do is teach you how to actually build the case properly and make sure the you get 100% your fees every single time.
Another major issue that we encounter is the fact that the number one cause of malpractice is a failure to diagnose the first place. So we strive to teach you a as many symptoms as we can for as many diagnoses as we can. Will teach you how to recognize the symptoms as well as how to properly diagnose them. Through our 10 15-hour our seminars, you will learn as much as he possibly could within the subject.
If any of this sounds promising you like to learn more about it, please feel free to give us a call at 480-664-6644. Or if you’re looking for more information feel free to visit our website on We are excited to hear from you we can’t wait to take a call.