Core Courses
While the outline for the ten Core Course Modules may appear to be similar to other course work that the doctor has previously completed, these courses are all presented in terms of motor vehicle injuries. This includes understanding how these injuries occur, how to diagnose them and how to properly document them so that the attorney can present the highest quality demand letter and attain the best possible settlement or judgement for the injured client.
This is why these ten courses are required for completion of the Certificate in Motor Vehicle Injuries, CAAMVI. That said any doctor who has completed substantially similar course work can apply to have that work considered for advanced standing toward the certificate. (Course work that has been approved for advanced standing toward the diploma will not be accepted toward the certificate. This includes: Croft Seminars, AMA Impairment Seminars.
Course Calendar 2017
Register for the full ten seminar package or individual classes at:………
Phoenix 2017 Schedule
Jan 28-29 Spinal Ligament injury in Motor Vehicle Injuries
Feb 25-26 Medical Legal Issues in Motor Vehicle Injuries
Mar 25-26 Spinal Exam for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Apr 22-23 Radiology for Motor Vehicle Injuries
May 20-21 Documentation for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Jun 24-25 Outcomes Assessment Tools for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Jul 22-23 Extremity Examination for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Aug 19-20 Case Management for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Sep 16-17 Concussions & Cranial Nerve Exam for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Oct 14-15 Whole Person Permanent Impairment Rating for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Tucson 2017 Schedule
Feb 18-19 Outcomes Assessment Tools for Motor Vehicle Injuries
March 18-19 Case Management for Motor Vehicle Injuries
April 8-9 Medical Legal Issues for Motor Vehicle Injuries
May 27-28 Concussion and Cranial Nerve Exam for Motor Vehicle Injuries
July 15-16 Spinal Examination for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Aug 26-27 Whole Person Permanent Impairment Rating for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Oct 21-22 Extremity Examination for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Texas 2017 Schedule
March 4-5 Outcomes Assessment Tools for Motor Vehicle Injuries
June 10-11 Medical Legal Issues in Motor Vehicle Injuries
Sept 9-10 Spinal Ligament Injury in Motor Vehicle Injuries
Module I: Spinal Ligament Injury in Motor Vehicle Injuries
Register HereThis module will discuss the need in the market for doctors with advanced education and understanding of how spinal ligaments can be injured in motor vehicle accidents.
In this 15 hour continuing education course, you will learn:
- How ligaments are damaged in motor vehicle accidents,
- Guidelines for how to analyze and document these injuries, and
- How to manage these injuries.
Course Purpose and Objective
Purpose: To analyze spinal ligament injuries.
Objective: Cover the diagnostic and treatment issues related to spinal ligament injuries in motor vehicle accidents.
- Anatomy and physiology of spinal ligament injuries will be discussed.
- Mechanism of spinal ligament injuries will be discussed
- Understanding how spinal ligaments can be damaged will simplify diagnosis and treatment of this condition
- Documenting by reproducible measurement will be discussed
- Documenting the extent of injury will be discussed with an introduction to impairment rating
Module II: Medical Legal Issues in Motor Vehicle Injuries
Register HereAny doctor working with a personal injury case needs to understand the legal process. This includes the need for a preponderance of evidence, insurance company tactics and what the plaintiff’s attorney does.
In this 15 hour continuing education course, you will learn:
- Insurance company tactics in personal injury cases,
- Legal definitions, and
- How to testify in arbitration, deposition and court.
Course Purpose and Objective
Purpose: To present the legal side of the equation
Objective: Understanding the legal issues relating to documentation and to prepare the doctor do defend their documentation at each step of the legal process..
- Legal issues will be discussed.
- Colossus and similar programs will be analyzed
- IME’s will be addressed from the insurance company perspective and in rebuttal.
- Rules of evidence will be presented in terms of documentation.
- How to present your findings in arbitration and deposition will be presented.
- A Mock Trial will show how your findings can be used and used against you.
Module III: Outcomes Assessment Tools for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Register HereAdd expertise to your practice and improve your ability to diagnose, evaluate, and treat conditions found in motor vehicle injuries.
This 15 hour module will focus on accepted outcomes assessment tools as a means to document progress. This will include:
- How to score each questionnaire,
- What those scores mean, and
- When to use each of these.
- We will also analyze the wording of the questions to further understand what is being addressed and how that will lead to additional diagnoses.
Course Purpose and Objective
Purpose: To explain the importance of outcomes assessment tools, OATS in documenting motor vehicle injuries
Objective: Give the provider additional tools to document improvement or failure to improve.
- General Questionnaires: This section will focus on the more commonly used questionnaires that are most helpful in understanding a new patient’s injuries and how they have been affected by them.
- Spinal Questionnaires: Since most motor vehicle injuries include spinal trauma this section will again address the questionnaires and individual questions. Attention will also be given to scoring these and what changes in those score mean to the practitioner.
- Extremity Questionnaires: This section will focus on extremity tools again emphasizing how to score each and how to interpret the scores.
- Concussion Questionnaires: These vary from most others so this section will focus on those differences along with what the finding mean to diagnosing, treating, and determining the need for referral.
Module IV: Radiology for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Register HereAdd expertise to your practice and improve your ability to diagnose, evaluate, and treat conditions found in motor vehicle injuries.
In this 15 hour continuing education course, you will learn:
- Which x-rays to take and what to look for on each,
- How to read MRI’s,
- Which brain scans to use and how to interpret them
Course Purpose and Objective
Purpose: To simplify the protocols for the use of radiograph in motor vehicle injuries.
Objective: Cover the procedures for proper use of radiography and diagnostic analysis in terms of motor vehicle injuries.
- x-ray with an emphasis on how to read them in terms of motor vehicle injuries and in terms of AMA Guides ratings
- when to perform CT and MR
- different MR scans for specific conditions
- measurable findings to demonstrate spinal stenosis and measure ligament laxity
Module V: Spinal Examination for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Register HereThis class will focus on spinal examination and diagnosis of spinal injuries commonly seen in motor vehicle injuries.
In this 15 hour continuing education course you will learn:
- How to take a complete history to establish injuries and causation
- How to perform a proper spinal orthopedic/neurologic examination
- How to diagnose precisely which ligaments, discs, muscles and nerves have been injured
Course Purpose and Objective
Purpose: To simplify protocols for the progression of analysis and treatment these areas.
Objective: Cover the examination and diagnostic of spinal injuries in motor vehicle accidents.
- Understanding Motor Vehicle Accidents: This will focus on mechanics versus dynamics of injury separating difference of gender, age, size and position from the forces and damage to the vehicle.
- Lumbo-Sacral Exam and Diagnosis: This section will be devoted to examination of the thoraco-lumbar and lumbo-sacral spine with an emphasis on how each test relates to motor vehicle injuries found, and often overlooked in these areas. This will include examination and diagnosis with an understanding of how these finding influence impairment ratings with the AMA Guides.
- Cervical & Thoracic Exam and Diagnosis: This section will be devoted to examination of the cervical and cervico-thoracic spine with an emphasis on how each test relates to motor vehicle injuries found, and often overlooked in these areas. This will include examination and diagnosis with an understanding of how these finding influence impairment ratings with the AMA Guides.
- Common Motor Vehicle Injuries: This will focus on the types of injuries to look for with motor vehicle accidents.
Module VI: Documentation for Motor Vehicle Injury
Register HereAdd expertise to your practice and improve your ability to diagnose, evaluate, and treat conditions found in motor vehicle injuries.
This 15 hour module will review all the steps to be documented for PI cases. We will cover:
- Documentation in terms of validating the diagnoses and justifying continued care
- Information attorneys need to present a demand letter
- Tools to document in a way that any other doctor will be able to read their notes and know the case as well as the treating doctor
- Copies of forms will be made available to attendees.
Course Purpose and Objective
Purpose: To simplify protocols for the progression of analysis and treatment these areas.
Objective: Teach providers the tools and processes to properly document motor vehicle injuries to communicate with other providers, meet the need of attorneys and insurance companies.
- Understanding what the insurance company expects in the way of documentation
- What attorneys need in order to create an effective demand letter
- Knowing what to include in SOAP notes can make or break a case
- The importance of documenting a complete physical examination including what was found and what was not found.
- Forms, codes and information needed to provide the attorney with a useful report.
Module VII: Extremity Exam for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Register HereThis class will focus on extremity examination in terms of the types of injuries commonly seen in motor vehicle injuries.
In this 15 hour continuing education course, you will learn:
- Mechanics & Dynamics of Extremity Injuries
- Diagnosing and documenting extremity injuries common to motor vehicle accidents
- Diagnosing and documenting head and face injuries
Course Purpose and Objective
Purpose: To simplify protocols for the diagnosis and documentation of extremity injuries
Objective: Cover the diagnostic and treatment issues involving the upper and lower extremities and facial traumas.
- Clinical findings are discussed and demonstrated.
- Understanding the mechanics and dynamics to better understand how to diagnose
- HIPPIRONE format for examination of extremity and facial trauma
- Diagnosing extremity fractures and sprain/strain injuries
- Use of outcomes assessment tools to document progress
Module VIII: Case Management for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Register HereThis class will address how each health care provider can expect to be involved in the care of a patient injured in a motor vehicle accident. It will be presented in a flow chart format to allow the student to understand the factors to consider in choosing the next co-management decision.
In this 15 hour continuing education course, you will learn:
- The first choices injured parties make to address their motor vehicle injuries from the ER to home care and self-management.
- Other health care providers a patient would most likely be referred to and why.
- Basic forms to get started with on a case
- Specific home therapies and DME
- The need for future care and medical validation.
Course Purpose and Objective
Purpose: To establish a protocol in the care, management and co-management of a PI patient
Objective: Understand how each health care provider can expect to be involved in the care of a patient injured in a motor vehicle accident
- Understanding how each healthcare provider fits into a case
- What to look for in other provider’s reports
- How specific wording in reports can affect a case
- How to work successfully with other healthcare providers
- How to educate other providers on additional diagnostic testing
- What initial forms are an integral part of a PI file
Module IX: Concussions & Cranial Nerve Exam of Motor Vehicle Injuries
Register HereWe know that half of all concussions occur in motor vehicle accidents (MVA) and that it is estimated 70-80% of people involved in a MVA will have a concussion. While symptoms that should lead to a diagnosis the word “concussion” rarely appears in files from chiropractor, medical doctors or even emergency departments.
In this 15 hour continuing education course, you will learn:
- What gets injured in a mild traumatic brain injury
- How to perform a complete examination to document the injuries and progress
- What therapies can be used in office or at home
Course Purpose and Objective
Purpose: to make doctors aware of the symptomology, diagnosing and treatment of this ultimate soft tissue injury.
Objective: understanding mechanism and dynamics of injury, symptomology and proper testing to diagnose concussions
- Clinical findings are discussed and demonstrated.
- Diagnosis and treatment is made simple through understanding the mechanism and dynamics of brain trauma
- the most common symptoms and structures injured
- Complicating factors that will commonly be seen in motor vehicle injuries
- Complete cranial nerve examination.
- Additional testing that can be done in office or referred out
Module X: Whole Person Impairment Rating for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Register HereUnderstanding and utilizing the AMA Guides to Permanent Impairment is essential for anyone doing personal injury work. This class will focus on the 6th Edition, the most current that is generally accepted by automobile insurance companies.
In this 15 hour continuing education course, you will learn:
- The difference between impairment and disability,
- How to determine MMI, Maximum Medical Improvement and MCI, Maximum Chiropractic Improvement
- How to determine an impairment rating for spinal and extremity injuries
- How to determine an impairment rating for concussion related symptoms
Course Purpose and Objective
Purpose: To simplify protocols for the assessment of permanent whole body impairment rating.
Objective: Cover the use of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Sixth Edition
- Understanding the importance on impairment rating.
- Learn the importance of history and examination in determining impairment.
- Know which diagnoses are used in spinal impairment rating.
- Learn which clinical testing can increase the impairment rating
- Understand why range of motion can be used for extremities but not spinal impairment rating.
- Learn how multiple injured areas are considered in a whole person permanent impairment rating.
Elective Courses
Advanced Standing
Course Calendar 2017
Register for the full ten seminar package or individual classes at:
Phoenix 2017 Schedule
Jan 28-29 Spinal Ligament injury in Motor Vehicle Injuries
Feb 25-26 Medical Legal Issues in Motor Vehicle Injuries
Mar 25-26 Spinal Exam for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Apr 22-23 Radiology for Motor Vehicle Injuries
May 20-21 Documentation for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Jun 24-25 Outcomes Assessment Tools for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Jul 22-23 Extremity Examination for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Aug 19-20 Case Management for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Sep 16-17 Concussions & Cranial Nerve Exam for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Oct 14-15 Whole Person Permanent Impairment Rating for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Tucson 2017 Schedule
Feb 18-19 Outcomes Assessment Tools for Motor Vehicle Injuries
March 18-19 Case Management for Motor Vehicle Injuries
April 8-9 Medical Legal Issues for Motor Vehicle Injuries
May 27-28 Concussion and Cranial Nerve Exam for Motor Vehicle Injuries
July 15-16 Spinal Examination for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Aug 26-27 Whole Person Permanent Impairment Rating for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Oct 21-22 Extremity Examination for Motor Vehicle Injuries
Texas 2017 Schedule
March 4-5 Outcomes Assessment Tools for Motor Vehicle Injuries
June 10-11 Medical Legal Issues in Motor Vehicle Injuries
Sept 9-10 Spinal Ligament Injury in Motor Vehicle Injuries
All classes go from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday with lunch provided and 8:00 am to 2:00 pm on Sunday with breakfast provided.
Check this schedule often as new classes will be added.