American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries however when you put together is especially true. Our founder Bill Gallagher is been involved in over to the accidents. At times, broadsided twice, been a rollover crash, nonstop bicycle, hit by all angles, and even lost the battle with the station wagon is a pedestrian. He has been in four ambulance rides even though he can only remember one of them. If there’s anyone who understands being an expert of vehicle accidents, he is definitely it.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries was always frustrated with the fact through all of his actions the insurance companies still were not paying what they wanted. He set out to learn all of the information that these lawyers, doctors, and insurance companies were willing to learn. Some of the small stuff that was very simple but essential for the industry. One day a lawyer came to us with a case about a guy started experiencing some lung issues recently after his rear end collision. The lawyer didn’t realize that there is any association with these two incidents. However upon further examination we found that there is a small amount of powder pickets ejected from the steering wheel whenever the airbag is deployed. This powder got inside of the clients loans, and cause allergic reaction that gave them the issues that he was having.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries understands that without this information, his testimony and his story was absolutely useless. There is no way to prove and therefore you would never receive a decent settlement, he would not receive the justice that he deserves, and he would not get the medical treatment that he probably needs. So for this exact reason is why the American Association of motor vehicle injuries was formed in the first place. It was to fill a need to supply the knowledge of how to properly diagnose, accurately assess, provide expert testimony throughout the entire process.
We understand there are many problems whenever facing both the court of law and the medical field. One problem that exists upon vehicle injuries in particular is the fact that most lawyers have to take a 50% reduction of fees from these cases. This is because the client is more than likely receive very little and therefore wasn’t even worth the taking the case in the first place. So we will teach you exactly how to build a case and collect 100% of your lawyer fees and in the process. And other issues that the number one cause of malpractice is a failure to diagnose. So like the previous client, will teach you how to identify the symptoms and how they occurred, as well as how to properly diagnose them so they can provide them with an amazing testimony.
If you are interested in reaching out and finding more information about this topic, please feel free to visit her website at Worth you’re looking to speak to someone over the phone we are available 24/7 and are excited to talk to you. Our phone number is 480-664-6644 and we are thrilled to be speaking with you.