American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries has been involved in motor vehicle injury cases for over 10 years. We understand how frustrating this can be because of our founder, Bill Gallagher has been over 10 vehicle accidents. He was always frustrated by the insurance companies not willing to pay him for his accidents, so he decided to set out and figure out exactly why you’re not willing to help with his case. When the lawyer comes in with a case about lung problems with the client whose airbags are just deployed. The lawyer had no idea if an airbag was able to cause lung problems or not, so they set out to figure out. Took very little effort to actually research what was truly going on and they were able to tell the case around it.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries understand this is exactly why the American Association for motor vehicle entries was created in the first place. To fulfill the need of knowledge for how to properly diagnose, accurately assess, and amazingly provide expert testimony. Through this 15 hour class with 10 separate sessions, we will teach you a plethora of information that most people don’t have the desire to learn about that is absolutely essential to many motor vehicle cases. Throughout the seminar the first half teaching will be spent on examination and learning how to properly diagnose any kind of ailment that may not be properly checked out by a doctor.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries obviously generate lots of problems, but we have found some ways and creating solutions to these. One issue is that most of these lawyers will have to take a 50% reduction in their fees whenever it comes to the case because clients never actually and up making any money. We will do his will teach you exactly how to build a proper case with a great foundations that you’re able to actually collect 100% of your fees every single time the number one cause of malpractice the failure to diagnose in the first place. Like the airbag case we mentioned before, several of these issues in cases, all the time. What we will do his will show you and teach you how to find and examine these symptoms and learn how to properly diagnose them with whatever ailment it may be.
Improper documentation used to be addressed by the insurance industry is a billing error that you would be able to correct, however nowadays that is addressed as insurance fraud. How are you able to fix this issue? Throughout our program we teach you how to properly document, how to properly bill, as well as show you what codes to use so that you avoid any issues with insurance companies on these cases. Failure to diagnose always leads to a failure to treat the injured structures, which in turn leads to a lack of compensation for the injured party as well as the lack of needed treatment. Our goal is to teach you how to diagnose, document, and management vehicle injuries at the highest level.
If any of this sounds promising please feel free to give us a call at 480-664-6644. Or if you’re looking for more information please feel free to visit our website We are excited to hear from you we can’t wait to sign you up.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries understand how it feels to have insurance companies not pay you for your accident. Our founder Bill Gallagher has been over 10 vehicular accidents. He’s been rear-ended six times, broadsided twice, been in a rollover crash, hit from all angles, and knocked off a bicycle, lost the battle with the station wagon is a pedestrian, and has even been in for ambulance rides of which only one he can remember. So if it comes to being an expert in motor vehicle injuries, he definitely is that. He was always frustrated by all these insurance companies not being willing to pay him what he deserved. So one day he decided he was going to learn everything there was about these small little intricacies that lawyers, doctors, and even insurance companies didn’t care to learn about.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries he lawyer come in one day with a case. The case involved a man whose started receiving serious lung problems after he got involved in a rear end collision. The lawyer didn’t think the lung issues had anything to do with the rear end collision. However upon further examination, they found that there is a small amount of powder that is expelled from the steering wheel when the airbag is deployed. This powder got into the clients lungs and created an allergic reaction which causes problem. So without the proper evidence, or building a great case, this client would not have received any kind of justice, probably would not have received any sort of financial compensation, definitely would not receive any kind of medical treatment. This is why these classes are so important
There are several problems that come along in American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries. One example is that most lawyers will have to take a 50% reduction in their fees for these cases, however we will teach you exactly how to address the situation add so much value to these cases that attorneys will be more than willing to pay 100% on these personal injury cases. However another problem that comes up is the fact the number one cause of malpractice is a failure to diagnose in the first place. For example there is no diagnosis code for whiplash. Our program will teach you how to diagnose what gets in that type of trauma as well as learn the difference between the diagnosis and symptoms and how that knowledge affects the case.
The core curriculum is 10 sets of 15 hour seminars. The first half of these seminars is spent on examination and proper diagnosis of whatever kind of trauma may be experienced. The second half is spent on proper documentation making sure that everything is up to code so you don’t have to worry about insurance companies or medical problems. We truly believe that what we are doing is going to give you the information to build any kind of case with any kind of evidence. To be able to do anything with the information we provide you.
If you are interested in learning more about her amazing services in classes please feel free to give us a call at 480-664-6644. Or if you’re looking to learn more about what we offer in more information, feel free to visit our website We are excited to hear from you cannot wait to start teaching what we know.