American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries understands the whenever you are in motor vehicle injury, is a very difficult process in very in many aspects. Our founder Bill Gallagher, has been over 10 view nuclear accidents and was always frustrated by the insurance companies not being willing to what happened. He decided one day that most people learn about. He went and figured out what the symptoms were for very specific vehicle injury crashes as well as medical documentation that you may need for an expert testimony. One day a lawyer comes to him with the case about client his airbags deployed in developing lung problems from it.
They found through American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries, is that when the airbags deployed there is a small and thin powder that bursts from the airbag in this got into the clients lungs. They proved they were able to prove that they this person experienced an allergic reaction and was able to get properly treated, a massive settlement amount, as well as the lawyer getting all of his fees. Goal was at the American Association of motor vehicle injuries was created to fulfill a specific need. This needs the knowledge of how to diagnose, act assess, and provide expert testimony for all vehicle cases. 10 seminars a 15 hour classes, you will learn a plethora of information of the most people do not have the desire to learn about, but we believe is absolutely essential to many motor vehicle injury cases.
We understand that the problem is that a lot of lawyers take a 50% reduction in fees just to be able to takes these personal injury cases. What will teach us how to make sure that you build the case and collect on a percentage of these. Also the number one cause of malpractice is the failure to diagnose in the first place. We will teach you exactly how to examine, pulling out the symptoms, as well as learn how to diagnose these on the spot.
The core curriculum is broken up into two halves. First have spent on examination and diagnosis, while the second half is spent on documentation medical issues. We understand that proper documentation to be addressed by the insurance billing here you’d be allowed to correct, however now it’s addressed to insurance fraud. So our program teaches you how to document, how to build, and what codes to use to avoid any issues with insurance companies on these cases. Failure to diagnose is also of major issue when it comes to failure to treat injured structures, which leads the lack of compensation for the party as well as treatment. Our front program information diagnose, document and manage motor vehicle injuries at their highest level.
If any of this is interesting you would like to learn more about how to receive our certification, please feel free to visit our website at Or if you like to speak to us in person, feel free to give us a call at 480-664-6644. We are excited to hear from you and cannot wait to take your call.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries understands that are owner has been in the business for over 20 years in over 10 vehicular accidents. He was always frustrated by these insurance companies not being willing to pay him for his injuries. Is so frustrated that they were in simple diagnosis that would just went untreated, and felt like he was do justice. So he set out to learn everything there was about these minor personal injury cases that most people don’t want to take the time to learn. One day a lawyer comes in to his office with a case about a man who is suffering from lung problems after experiencing a. They actually were able to discover that there is a powder within the airbag deployed and got into the man’s lungs causing an allergic reaction.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries recognizes that without the proper documentation, information, or overall wherewithal, these would’ve been absolutely useless in this case. If Mr. Gallagher was not able to figure out that the airbag caused his lung problems, it gone undiagnosed, untreated, and that client would’ve been owed justice. There are several problems within the motor vehicle injury industry. Most lawyers want to take a personal injury case have to take a 50% reduction in fees for these cases. However will be only teach you how to build the case and collects 100% of your fees. Another main problem is that the number one cause of malpractice is a failure to diagnose in the first place.
American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries teaches you all the symptoms and how to properly diagnose these issues as well as a proper examination and diagnosis as well as show you how to properly document all of this as well as any kind of medical issues you may have in the field. Through this curriculum you I’ve 1015 hour seminars in which half of these are spent on examination and diagnosis including MRIs, brain scans, and spinal scans. The second half is spent on teaching you how to properly document anything as well as you the billing code for certain things that are not actually properly build.
We understand this may be a lot of information in a long class, however we do understand that most this information is absolutely necessary to learn for anyone who’s going to be in the motor vehicle injury industry. Without this class, you will more likely experience cases where you just have little information. You don’t know how to build the case without having a doctor properly explained to how everything works. However even doctors don’t even know how to properly diagnose some of the symptoms. That’s why this class is so unbelievably necessary.
If you are interested in learning, please feel free to reach out to us at 480-664-6644. Or if you’re looking for more information about what the class entails, please feel free to visit the website We are excited teach you everything we know and cannot wait to hear from you.