How to Diagnose Ligament Injuries with Digital Motion X-Ray
About This Course
This module will discuss the need in the market for doctors with advanced education and understanding of how spinal ligaments can be injured in motor vehicle accidents.
In this 15 hour continuing education course, you will learn:
- How ligaments are damaged in motor vehicle accidents
- Guidelines for how to analyze and document these injuries
- How to manage these injuries
Course Purpose and Objective
Purpose: To analyze spinal injuries including ligaments, discs and bony structures.
Objective: Cover the diagnostic and treatment issues related to spinal ligament and bony injuries in a hyper extension/flexion,
- Anatomy and physiology of spinal ligament and osseous injuries will be discussed.
- Mechanism of spinal injuries will be discussed
- Understanding how spinal structures can be damaged will simplify diagnosis and treatment of this condition
- Documenting by reproducible measurement will be discussed
- Documenting the extent of injury will be discussed with an introduction to impairment rating