Whole Person Impairment Rating, 6th Edition, for Motor Vehicle Injuries
About This Course
Note: a course on 5th Edition of the Guides is offered for doctors in states that still use the 5th Edition
Understanding and utilizing the AMA Guides to Permanent Impairment is essential for anyone doing personal injury work. This class will focus on the 6th Edition, the most current that is generally accepted by automobile insurance companies. This course concludes with updates for 6th Edition 2021 & 2022.
In this 15 hour continuing education course, you will learn:
- The difference between impairment and disability,
- How to determine MMI, Maximum Medical Improvement and MCI, Maximum Chiropractic Improvement
- How to determine an impairment rating for spinal and extremity injuries
- How to determine an impairment rating for concussion related symptoms
Course Purpose and Objective
Purpose: To simplify protocols for the assessment of permanent whole body impairment rating.
Objective: Cover the use of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Sixth Edition
- Understanding the importance on impairment rating.
- Learn the importance of history and examination in determining impairment.
- Know which diagnoses are used in spinal impairment rating.
- Learn which clinical testing can increase the impairment rating
- Understand why range of motion can be used for extremities but not spinal impairment rating.
- Learn how multiple injured areas are considered in a whole person permanent impairment rating.